Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) engineers of Petro Deghat Part co. play a pivotal role in ensuring that products and processes meet the highest standards of quality, safety, and reliability.
Where accuracy and adherence to regulations are important, our engineers apply state-of-the-art knowledge.
Petrol Defeat Part's quality control department includes skilled engineers tasked with overseeing and confirming adherence to set quality standards for products or services. In the intricate and hazardous oil and gas industry, their role is even more important. These engineers guarantee that all procedures, materials, and products comply with industry-specific standards and regulations.
-Quality Control Inspections: testing equipment, materials, and processes to identify any defects or deviations from industry standards. This includes assessing the quality of welding, piping, structural components, and more.
-Documentation and Reporting: Accurate record-keeping is vital in the oil and gas sector. QA/QC engineers are responsible for maintaining thorough documentation of inspections, test results, and adherence to regulations. Additionally, they produce reports that outline their discoveries.
-Compliance with Industry Standards: Oil and gas operations must comply with stringent industry standards and regulations to ensure safety and environmental responsibility. QA/QC engineers confirm that all activities and products meet these requirements.
-Non-Destructive Testing (NDT): NDT techniques, such as ultrasonic testing and radiographic testing, are often employed by QA/QC engineers to detect defects and weaknesses in materials without causing damage.
-Supplier Quality Assurance: QA/QC engineers work closely with suppliers to ensure that the materials and components provided meet the specified quality standards. This involves supplier audits and quality assessments.
-Root Cause Analysis: When quality problems or faults are identified, QA/QC engineers analyze and pinpoint the underlying reasons. They then recommend corrective actions to prevent future occurrences.