Flow Conditioners are designed to minimize or eliminate the influence of upstream flow disturbances to the performance of flowmeters. Velocity profile distortion or swirling flow can be generated as a result of pipe bends, valves, pumps, temperature sensors, pressure taps, etc., all of which are commonly present in piping installations. Together, the upstream and downstream flow conditioners result in significant improvement in the reliability of flow measurement. Flow conditioners are recommended for all applications where flow measurement accuracy is critical such as Installations where adequate pipe straight runs are not practical Flow measurement or calibration test stands & Custody transfer applications, etc. As an advantages, flow conditioners make a defined and reproducible flow profile, improves accuracy of flow measurement significantly, reduces required straight inlet and outlet pipe runs, thus reduces costs. Also, they are very low pressure drops, rugged design, not sensitive to dust particles, easy installation and maintenance, dampens flow pulsations and are available in different types and materials.